English quotes and sayings

Friday, 16 February 2018

Heart and love of Allah

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If you put orange juice in car instead of oil
That will demage our car or it will not work
Our heart is same like this
If you are placing a human's love at the place of Allah's love as the result when that human will leave us we will feel broken
Because we had all trust on that person

Thursday, 8 February 2018

Life book

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Angels are writing our good and bad deeds even we dont know how many pages of our life book are left
Maybe death is so near and we are just doing bad
Turn towards Allah(God) before it too late

Saturday, 30 December 2017

End of 2017 with blood and killings

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Today is the last day of 2017
Thousands of people are killed in kashmir by Indian forces and in palestine by Israeli forces
Still they are doing even America(trump)openly supporting these terrorist countries

On other side few people support those terrorist countries just because they hate islam and muslims
Ask from yourself
Will you enter in 2018
With double standard?
With that heart who is hard like stone ?

Friday, 29 December 2017

The countless blessings of Allah

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You know mostly think about that which we dont have
But just imagine how much ALLAH(God) blessed us
Even a small part of our body heart
Think about those who have heart problems
Our legs
We can't even count the blessings

Tuesday, 26 December 2017

Do you have a soft heart?

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What you will feel if someone beating and killing your kids?

A person who has the soft heart he will dislikes this even those kids are belong to someone else
But a person who has stone at the place of heart he will support those terrorists(Israeli) who are killing the innocent kids and people(Palestinians) 

Are you still supporting trump and Israeli terrorists?

Monday, 25 December 2017

American and Israeli terrorism

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American trump clearly suppprting Israeli terrorists who are killing the innocnet muslims of Palestine

He made Jerusalem as the capital of Israel even last day united nation rejected the trump act
Why people have double standard they dislike other terrorists but on other side they helped own(Israeli) terrorists to kill the innocent muslims

Saturday, 9 December 2017

Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine

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Israel is not even a legal country
They are outsiders which come in Palestine with the help of America
And now they are killing innocent Muslim of Palestine

If you are giving the capital of Israel
Then Isis has same right of capital,
Israel,Isis both are same
New York should be the capital of Isis
Why America has double standard